Saturday, 28 February 2015

butterbear bath.

Last night I had the pleasure of using the gorgeous 'butterbear' ballistic from Lush, the first thing I noticed before I even put it into the water was how divine it smelled, it was so sweet and fresh and, without trying to sound too cheesy, relaxing.
I didn't really take any pictures or videos as it was white and you couldn't really see the effect it was having but as soon as I dropped it into the water it started to fizz and the little fragments of colour released along with the cocoa butter. Once the whole ballistic has dissolved I jumped in and straight away I could feel the moisture in the bath and on my skin, it was so soft and silky! The smell lingered the whole time I was in the bath which was nice as I have found the they can sometimes fade quite quickly and once I had got out of the bath my skin continued to feel moisturised.

I really enjoyed using this product as I haven't used any of the 'butter' range before and I can't wait to purchase some more to use!


Thursday, 26 February 2015

mini house haul.

Even though we have been in our house for five months now I am still in the process of getting everything together and making it feel homely, this week I decided to go out and do a little bit of a shop for some living room pieces and a few items for my kitchen, as I am now changing it to pastels.

Monday, 23 February 2015

liz earle makeup.

In my last Liz Earle post I stated that I was waiting for an order I had placed with them to arrive which included some of their make-up, it came really quickly but unfortunately I have been so busy I wasn't able to write up my post straight away. I have been using it for a while now and have finally got around to writing my review so here are my thoughts on the Liz Earle make-up range!

Friday, 20 February 2015

beauty box swap.

About once a week I sit down and read through endless of amounts of blogs, to get inspiration, find out about new products and read peoples reviews, during one of these sessions I came across the blog ohhsoglam by Sarah. At the time she was hosting an international beauty swap, I had a read through it and it sounded amazing, I left my details and not long after I received an e-mail pairing me up with the lovely Row from What Row Chose.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

l'oreal true match foundation.

I bought this foundation a few weeks ago and have been using it daily so I felt like it was time to do a review. I actually purchased this after hearing Victoria from inthefrow talk about it on one of her videos, she always makes really good recommendations so I know it would be a good foundation, unfortunately I wasn't able to do a match test so I looked through the various different shades and decided to go for 'C3 Rose Beige' which was the closest to my skin tone.

I always apply my foundation by putting it on to the back of my hand and then using a brush, the first thing I noticed was that it came out very runny, I was a bit worried that this would mean it didn't apply as well and would look thin and patchy but once it goes on the skin it is really thick and gives great coverage. It adds a little bit of moisture too but it takes seconds to sink in so it looks natural, doesn't leave a shine and because it is so light you almost forget you have it on!

It is my main foundation at the moment and I love using it, I would highly recommend it but there are a lot of shades to choose from so if you can, get a match test done first!


Monday, 16 February 2015

bath time ft. simply supplements.

Having dry skin and hair I am always on the look out for exciting new things to try that can add some extra moisture, so when I was sent some oils from Simply Supplements this week I was very eager to try them out.

Sunday, 15 February 2015


I would like to just quickly apologise to any of my blog readers who are a bit confused at the moment. Blogger deleted all of my post pictures for some reason, I am in the process of reloading them but with work out has been difficult to find time to resource them all again. Hopefully all posts should be back to normal by tonight! 


Friday, 13 February 2015

liebster award.

Today's post is the Liebster Award which was I was nominated for by Anna Louise over at , this award was designed as a away for small blogs/bloggers to get noticed and to find out a little bit more about the bloggers you follow :)

Thursday, 12 February 2015

penguin bathtime.

Okay time for another one of my Lush baths and this time I went for the 'Christmas Penguin'. 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

going short.

As some of you may have noticed over the past few weeks my hair has gotten significantly shorter! I have been debating for a while whether to get it cut into a bob or not and so for my Christmas meal I decided to go for a change, new colour and a cut! When I got to the salon though I was too chicken to do it so after having it dyed red I only got four inches taken off, which for me still felt like a huge difference at the time!

Looking in the mirror the other week though felt really unhappy with the length, it wasn't the long hair I used to have but wasn't noticeably short either, it was just a boring medium, so I rang my partners sister and decided to go for it. I went round and told her roughly how short I wanted it and within the hour I had a completely new look. I'm not going to lie it was so scary getting that much taken off, you'll see the difference in the pictures, but I absolutely love it now and am so happy I did it, I still love my long hair but this is such a statement look for me and I feel like it suits me well (even if other people don't)!

Some of the benefits have been that it's so much easier to wash now and uses much less product and I also feel more confident wearing it curly, which I never have before! 
Have any of you gone through big hair changes recently? Let me know!


Monday, 9 February 2015

lipsy wishlist.

As you may know from a recent post I was due to be starting my new career in Lipsy, which started today! Part of my promotion role for their clothes and new lines is to wear their clothes which means for the past couple of week I have been looking online for items to fill up my working wardrobe with, these are a few of my favourite items I have picked out.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

beautiful bristol.

I am very lucky that one of my partners sisters is also one of my closest friends and someone I love to spend time with. After popping round the other day for a quick catch up we decided to plan a cheap day out in Bristol and find fun things to do for free (or nearly free!). There is so much to do in Bristol that costs money and I always forget about the other things you can do, and also that a day out is what you make here, so here is what we got up to.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

valentines £20 gift guide.

Valentines day is just around the corner and once again we all have the struggle of finding our loved ones gifts! Me and my partner have been together for over five years now so in all honesty we don't really 'celebrate' Valentines day but we will always get each other a little gift and card. We moved out a few months ago so, unfortunately, we have to be a bit grown up about what we spend money on now which has led me to looking into cheap (but still fun) gifts to give, so here is my £20 or under Valentines gift guide!

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

january in pictures.

I know I'm running a bit late as we are now in February (oh my goodness!) but I have just rounded up a few of my highlights from January so you guys can see what I have been up to over the past busy month!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015


As I mentioned in a post I put up a few months ago I was able to, not only, visit Japan but actually return there! I visited there in 2013 with one of my closest friends and had the most amazing time ever, last year I returned with my partner and had made a little list of places I would like to either visit again or see for the first time. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do everything as I caught a horrible virus and spent the last couple of days in bed but I still had a brilliant time. 

Monday, 2 February 2015

pink pout.

Like all women, I have way to many lipsticks and glosses, waay to many. I was setting up my new makeup organiser the other day and realised that out of my ten million lip products I probably only actually wear a handful of them, some for day-to-day, some more for nights out and some just when I fancy a change, so I decided to have a rummage through and pick out my favourites. I am going to divide this into two post, one for light lipsticks and one for darks as otherwise I think post would go on forever! So, in no particular order, here are my top eight lights!